
5/5 - (2 votes)
TheGay homepage review

While many of the free sites with gay sex videos have either amateur content in the outdated SD resolution or mere scene excerpts of premium movies that last no longer than 10 minutes, that’s not the case with this site. Even though this is technically an adult tube site, has a large number of full-length videos and high-definition content. A lot of the content you’ll find in its gallery is recent, but you still need to keep in mind that much of it is a little short.

However, considering how many great videos TheGay has, it won’t be a problem to find plenty of those with longer run times. Moreover, has a lovely layout and several standard search options. Both of these things make the navigation on this website seamless, which is important because its already enormous archive keeps growing at a fast pace. On the minus side, just like most other free porn sites, The Gay also has some ads, but there aren’t too many of them.

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